Services with Animals
Animal Communication and Reiki Shamanic Connections
Honoring animals and humans together…by connecting our timeless souls to enhance physical, emotional, and mental awareness, healing, wellness and empowerment for all participants
- Build and strengthen the communication bonds and effectiveness between animals and humans
- Balance and integrate experiences for growth, health, and joyous expression
- Encourage discovery and co-creating outcomes through insights, sharing of ideas and resources, and collaboratively expand options and intentions through the powerful Heart/Mind energy combination
- Unveil animal/human soul contracts and activate individual and tandem healing for deeper partnerships
- Empower humans of all ages in their own wisdom, skills, and confidence for creating and sustaining animal health, purposes, and conservancy
- Engage these communication and connections tools in collaboration with other holistic medical care as appropriate and complimentary for both animals and humans. No one modality or approach stands alone or is a substitute for critical medical or trauma care.
Companion Animal Wellness & Healing
Adoption, Re-Homing, & End of Life Support
Farm Animal Health
Wildlife Rehab & Conservancy
Services are offered in person at your home, for farm/sanctuary/rescue/on location visits, and by remote/distance connection. Custom consulting arrangements are individually based on your particular needs and situation, so please contact Laurie directly to discuss details.
Animal connections and communication have always been an extremely important part of Laurie’s life from very early childhood. Through countless personal companion animals (in the forms of dogs, cats, birds, horses, donkeys, goats, and more) to outreach with wildlife, Laurie has been blessed with incredible animal teachers who patiently and consistently shared their own wisdom, energetic support, and insights for both her own personal benefit and for helping other humans in their animal relationships, discoveries, and mutual health and joy.
In combination with her other studies as an Intuitive, Medium, and Shaman, Laurie pulls information, suggestions, and ideas from many perspectives to effectively connect with, and offer explanation to, the human part of the animal/human partnership while exchanging messages between the animals and humans. And she shares direct source energy with both humans and animals for immediate and long term health and healing. Laurie serves as a conduit and catalyst for others to re-remember their own source connections and creative power, and encourages all to explore and experience in their own unique ways and purposes.