Client Comments
“I don’t know if there are many people out there that do what you do, but I am grateful to have found you! I am so unsure of so many things right now, it’s a comfort to work with someone that looks at every aspect of a client’s circumstances not just the financial picture. I was struck by how you seemed to pick up on things we hadn’t actually mentioned, like my resistance to listen to what the universe has been trying to tell me for many years. My biggest obstacle is fear, so what I am hoping for going forward is that you stick with me through my confusion and possible resistance to certain ‘scary’ new concepts…together we can chip away at that ‘thick skull’ of mine!” Pat
“I met with Laurie during a dark time in my life. I entered her office with an open mind, but unsure if the services would be of any help. Despite my uncertainty, I left my appointment with increased clarity and comfort. Of course my problems still existed thereafter, but the mental fog in my head had cleared. The experience was indescribable and I would recommend it to anyone struggling with something and/or seeking internal peace. With that being said, I am definitely due for another session!” Tara
“Laurie creates a very sacred, comfortable space that allows you to feel open and balanced. Her office holds a relaxing atmosphere while maintaining the necessary qualities of professionalism. I would highly recommend her to anyone. Thank you for your compassionate services, Laurie!” Dave
“I just wanted to touch base with you regarding your energy work. Since my visit, I’ve felt like a new woman. I think I had a vibrational shift of some sort, because my outlook has been so very different. Granted, I still have my days, but overall I’ve been in much better spirits. Thanks so much for your help last night. That session was very powerful. ” Tamara
“Thank you – I am stronger since I have met you. And I will not carry my burdens anymore.” Minnie
“This work has been a godsend. I’ll talk with you again next month.” Alan
“When I came to Laurie I was feeling very anxious and ungrounded. There were many things going on career wise for me, and I was having a hard time feeling settled down in one or two particular areas. Laurie has a very calming presence about her, and worked with me to focus on just a few areas that I would nurture, vs trying to do everything. She did some energy work on me as well. After the session I felt more centered and relaxed. It was similar to the feeling of relaxation after a massage! Laurie gave me a rock which I now call my “special” rock. I keep it with me and can feel the positive energy in it. My children like to hold “mama’s special rock” too. She also gave me some tools to use at home to help me re-center. I highly recommend Laurie’s services. She is one amazing practitioner!” Kathryn
“Thank you so much for your help yesterday. It came at just the right time and you were exactly the right messenger to deliver it. I actually feel a shift in whatever is going on with my hip and I’ve been doing some journaling to flesh out some of the questions that we discussed as well as other questions that arose as a result. And I love my piece of amethyst!” Nina
“I can’t thank you enough, I am feeling much better already. Looking back it is unbelievable how scattered and flighty I have been feeling for weeks now! The universe was telling me to ground in various ways – I’m thankful they gave me you to “hit me over the head”, lol. I will follow up with you Monday!! ” Rebecca